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We are a community of believers

striving to honor the LORD with our lives.

The Word of God is our foundation, and we seek to glorify God in every service, Bible study, and event.

But, Sunday is only one day

in a week full of worship.

We want to love God with everything and reflect the love of Jesus to others.


Come join us!

Pastor - Kevin Yarbrough

Sunday Morning Worship

9:00 am

Prayer & Scripture Reading
Worship Songs
Praises and Prayer Requests
Children's Message
Worship Songs

*Seventh Sunday
Every 7th Sunday the sermon is replaced with a reading of a Book of the Bible.
We all listen together to the reading of a complete book. Scripture was originally written for public reading, and it is a powerful way to hear God's Word.

Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching. - 1Timothy 4:13


Core Beliefs

Living Stones Church is built on the Word of God.

Scripture is our foundation and guide.

Our name LIVING STONES is based on:

1 Peter 2:5
And you are living stones that God is building
into His spiritual temple.


We are committed to using our resources to serve others in our community and globally.

50% of monthly offerings are given to local and international organizations.


(Note: No paid staff positions. All offerings support missions, ministry, and facilities.)


Our Story

Living Stones Church began in September of 2018 with a worship service in the Yarbroughs' living room.  God has been faithful to this vision and calling throughout a variety of circumstances.

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