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Love your neighbor as yourself.
 Matthew 22:39

We are committed to using our resources to serve others in our community and globally.

(Note: No paid staff positions. All church offerings support missions, ministry, and facilities.)


50% of monthly offerings are dedicated to Missions


10% for YAIPak Outreach

10% project-based monthly

30% saved/given as needed

= 50% of offerings

Monthly Projects

Each month we support the work of a local or global ministry.

At least 10% of our monthly offerings is dedicated to that ministry,

along with other collections or volunteer opportunities.

 - November & December -

World Vision

Christmas Catalog

We will purchase gifts from the Christmas Catalog



 - September & October -

Operation Christmas Child


We will pack boxes for 20 children.

Sign up sheets are available for

gift items.


Screenshot 2023-09-02 134937.png


UPDATE:  Our boxes went to

"Hard-to-Reach Areas"

Learn more about that at this link:

 - July & August -



We will collect new children's clothing for children in foster care.


summer/fall - all ages 

 - May & June -

Walk for Water(World Vision)

We will host a 6K walk and support World Vision well projects.

6K is the average distance people have to walk for water in places around the world.

Water bottles

We will collect water bottles for YAIPaks.

 - March & April -

#ProjectPatriotHope (YAIPak)

collecting new household items

to support homeless veterans as they transition into homes

*Tote of Hope*

 - January & February-

Blessing Bags + YAIPaks

distributing blessing bags to homeless in our community


Supporting YAIPaks


2022 Monthly Projects


-January & February-


Blessing bags


-March & April-

Joy Closet

Clothes/Outdoor toys


-May & June-

6K Walk for World Vision

bottled water for



-July & August-


collecting items for children in foster care



-September & October-

Operation Christmas Child

collecting items for gift boxes


-November & December-

World Vision Christmas Catalog

purchased variety of gifts

chickens, goats, medicine, Bibles,

food, clothing, etc.



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